E-mail: info@spiralsites.com

How does your web site look on a mobile phone? Don't let your customers have a poor mobile web experience. If you haven't yet developed a mobile version of your web site call Spiral Sites.

Do you have a mobile web site yet?

A few facts....there are around 7.1 billion mobile subscribers worldwide, Over 90% of new handsets are web enabled. The number of people using mobile devices for web browsing is increasing daily.

Still think you don't need a mobile site?

With the increase of mobile Internet and unlimited data plans more and more web users are mobile only, i.e. they do not, or very rarely use a desktop, laptop or tablet to access the web.

What does your web site look like on a mobile device - have you looked?

Did you know over 50% of mobile phones cannot read a web site built in Flash?

Spiral Sites offer quality, competitively priced mobile web site design and build. We also offer qr codes.

Whether you are looking to redevelop your main web site and mobile site, starting a new venture and need a new web site or just require a mobile site we can help.

Looking for a Mobile Web Site? Contact us here - contact us

Julie Couture Cakes
To Spiral Sites - thank you! From one short meeting you have designed and built an amazing website that has proved to be of great value to my business. As I am not a computer literate your patience and help was phenomenal. You came well recommended and I shall continue to recommend your company. The only thing remaining to say is thank you so much!
Julie Couture Cakes
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